FRIDAY 10/7: Jon Lee & Chelsea Wong

FRIDAY 10/14: Ian Scarfe

SATURDAY 10/15: Sumi Lee Nuevo Tango Ensemble

FRIDAY 10/21: Mark Deutsch and the Bazantar

SATURDAY 10/22: Golden Gate Symphony Orchestra 

FRIDAY 10/28: Classical Revolution

SATURDAY 10/29: Kitten on the Keys and Anthony Ty

FRIDAY 11/11: Los Bailarines Compadritos, Sascha Jacobsen, bass. Tango party

SUNDAY 10/30: GAMELAN with Pusaka Sunda, Apoorva Sastry Bharatanatyam 

FRIDAY 11/4: Ed Corzo Cuban Trio

SUNDAY 11/13: Community Music Center's Piano Department Recital

LitQuake 2022

SATURDAY 10/15: 

  • Simultaneities and Lyric Chemisms: Ardengo Soffici and Italian Futurism, with Olivia Sears (translator) and Ben Goldberg (clarinetist & composer)
  • Veronica Raimo: The Girl at the Door, with Annamaria Di Giorgio
  • From Lagos to Dublin: Chiamaka Enyi-Amadi

SUNDAY 10/16:

  • This Place That Place: Nandita Danesh with Anita Felicelli
  • Days Come and Go: Hemley Boum with John McMurtrie
  • Calico: New Selections in Translation with Elina Alter, Eric Fishman, Il’ia Karagulin, and Rodrigo Flores Sánchez