This open call for art invited local Bay Area artists to submit a piece of work, series of works or site specific installation that explores themes related to the topic of sea - through materials, process, concept, context. We are asking artists to take a deep dive into their relationship with the sea.
Our open calls for art are meant to be all-inclusive in an attempt to capture the paradigms of art-making that are happening in our region of the world. We are hoping to continue to find new artists to work with in our future projects and site specific exhibitions. We except all media, and ask that all 2D work be within 60" in all directions so we can accommodate artists most equitably. This exhibition will take place at 780 Valencia street, our ANNEX space that is 5700 square feet. Please visit our space and see our current exhibition, "Adaptations: LAND" - a site specific experience derived from our last open call "LAND". Thank you for participating and we look forward to seeing what the Bay Area brings to this exhibition.
Important Dates:
Exhibition Opening Reception: December 3rd, 2022
Exhibition Closing Reception: January 15th, 2022
Exhibition Closing Reception: January 15th, 2022
Thursday Artist Talk Series: December 15th, January 5th, January 12th. 5-7pm
Music Fridays/Saturday eves: 7-9pm. Free & open to ALL
December 3rd: Proteus Trio
December 9th: Tango Milonga.
December 10th: Ti - Yi & Monica.
December 16th: Classical Revolution
December 17th: DJ Dance party
December 23rd: Tom Jonesing.
December 30th: Caroline Chung
January 6th: LA GENTE SF
January 7th: Twango SF
January 13th: TBD
January 14th: DJ Dance Party