Throughline ARCHIVE

An exhibition of works by The Drawing Room Founder, Renée DeCarlo and her 20 year journey with drawing, process, discovery and play.
Her work is form of life drawing and begins in the recording of precise physical moments in time: the bumps in the road, the jostle of the bus, the turbulence in the airplane, and the chaotic patterns in which people move. These drawings are the foundation of lines, screen printed across many surfaces and in layers with many other line drawings to form a mass of lines and spaces.
With color, she finds a pathway through - much like a map or a city or waterways through the landscape - these layers of lines and colors become an abstract representation of the ecosystems within a city or place where many lives and essential needs converge.
Color and the spaces between the lines or junctures where spaces collide is where growth and evolution happen. In her work, these intersected spaces create something new and the colors often explode - much like how new ideas and enterprises here in SF can explode and become a movement. In our landscape we live within - celebrating a confluence of new ideas, innovations and lifestyles.