Upcycled Sky
Upcycled Sky
Clementina Martinez-Masarweh
Upcycled Sky
Multi media: Films, Canvas, Paint, Landfill waste, deadstock fabrics & secondhand fashion
Atacama Desert Sky Mural
Deadstock fabric, fashion landfill waste, second hand garments, interior and acrylic paint
Landscape mural of the fashion landfill waste in Atacama desert in Chile.
Landfill waste made from fashion emits methane. Methane is released into the sky. It is responsible for 11% of global emissions and by 2050 it will be up to 70%. My art pieces, fashion and films are to bring awareness to the catastrophic effects of fashion landfill waste. As an Upcycler I can tell you that the fashion industry can become circular. We can use what already exist to make new designs in fashion.
Clementina is an award winning filmmaker, sustainable “upcycling” fashion designer and zero waste artist. Her collection of Upcycled Sky which includes three of her films, zero waste art, upcycled fashion and a wall mural (depicting Atacama Desert in Chile), questions the human struggle to be in harmony with the biodiversity of our planet. Our overconsumption of fashion and landfill waste effects our environment with the chemicals that get released into the SKY but it also impacts human rights and the quality of life of those who work in fast fashion and unethical garment factories.
Clementina’s life mission, as a sustainable leader is to inspire others to make imperfect choices towards climate action, by bringing awareness of the detrimental effects of fast fashion, to amplify diversity, climate justice and intersectional environmentalism. Highlighting thrifting, secondhand and conscious consumption. Her goals are to make the fashion industry circular within her life time.
She is currently working on a fashion project related to single use and micro plastics, an eco music video, producing upcycled red and green carpet fashion, speaking engagements and a new film.